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Friday, January 10, 2014

Avocado Milkshake

Avocados are the first transitional food for babies, when they switch to solid intake. They like the smooth and velvety texture. Of late, I have become calorie conscious, so try this healthy milk shake. Before that check out the benefits of Avocado:

There are some amazing avocado benefits for your health. If you would like to lose weight, improve your skin and lower your risk of many life-threatening diseases, here’s why it’s worth eating more of this extremely healthy fruit.

Courtesy: Healthiest foods

Ripe Avocado - 1
Fresh Milk - 150 ml (More or less depending on thickness)
Palm sugar - 2 tablespoons (More or less depending on sweetness u require)

Note : Can use low fat milk too, but its less creamy compared to fresh milk. Alter honey with sugar if u want even lesser calories.

Peel skin and discard the seed inside.

Blend the avocado and sugar together.

Add milk in small portions to make it a smooth creamy shake.

Enjoy every sip of it ;)

Note: Chill milk and avocado, if you like to have it cold. Adding ice cubes will spoil the creamy texture.

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Makes 2-3 glasses